Finding Our True Independence

January 29, 2018

Independence is a beautiful word that can mean different things to different people. For us, independence is about self-determination, freedom, liberty and self-reliance.  My husband and I had become enslaved to our jobs, societal expectations, our lifestyle and convenience.  We sold our 3300 square foot home (pictured below).  My husband walked away from a successful business and we left our family, friends and our old life. As a result, we also left the stress of maintaining that “successful life.”  Consequently, it was a vicious cycle of working our lives away to maintain a lifestyle that our culture considers success.


 How We Found Our Independence

Actually, we had an awakening.  It wasn’t that we didn’t love our beautiful home and the many luxuries and conveniences that we had access to while living there.  For us, it became about our freedom and a commercial trap that we felt like we had fallen into.

Our lives were grossly out of balance.  Due to that imbalance, we spent too much time working and really not enjoying life as we felt we should.  It felt like the maintenance and upkeep of our home and property consumed our free time.  We learned quickly that a large home comes with a large  appetite,  constantly requiring feeding and attention.

Freedom from this enormous burden was the right choice for us going forward.  Most of all, our desire was to work less and enjoy life more.  We would downsize and build a home that fit our needs and the life that we wanted to live. By drastically downsizing, we could slash our bills and expenses and the amount of money that it would take for us to live.  We wanted to make time for outdoor activities we enjoyed but rarely were able to do.

Where We Found Our Independence

After carefully searching for a year, we bought 25 acres of raw land in the mountains of Virginia.  It is our desire to build our new home and life here with purpose and meaning without the extra fluff and abundance of stuff that we really don’t need.  Our goal is to build a house that reflects our needs without excess.  We no longer want to pay to heat and cool rooms we rarely use or extra bedrooms for company that rarely comes. It is our intention to grow as much of our food as we can.  Rather, rely more on our skills and God-given abilities and less on a commercially packaged life.


 Living Our Independence

It sounds crazy that anyone would wake up one day and decide to walk away from a life filled with all the convenience and comforts you could wish for.  I am not a “roughing it” kind of woman. I have always enjoyed fine things.  Especially, all the accoutrements that any woman in our American culture has come to expect.  Never before had I ever camped nor had I ever wanted to (nothing against camping).  Furthermore, I have a strong dislike for bugs and insects of any sort. Living off-grid in a tiny storage building surrounded by insects and wildlife, without indoor plumbing or air conditioning was a million miles away from my former thinking.  How would this new life impact me? Would I actually be able to live this simplified way and still be happy and content?

Double Rainbow

This new journey begins with excitement as well as some fear for the path that lies before us, and a life we have never lived.  Will it be a great adventure stepping back in to a simpler time?  Will less convenience lead to more rewarding experiences?

Join us as we share our triumphs and disappointments, and everything in between!  We will share with honesty and sincerity.  What happens when you turn life upside down and leave the blacktop for the mountaintop?  Most of all, we hope to  inspire you to make changes in your life with things you are not happy with! Boldly step out and choose a life that is far from cookie-cutter! A life that reflects your hopes and dreams!

Could you leave it all behind and start from scratch?  What one convenience could you not do without?  I would love your thoughts.

All the best!

~Lover Darlin’~

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