Digging In The Dirt, So Much Fun!

March 7, 2018

Every now and then, I just let things fly…DIRT I mean!

Digging in the dirt with all my might is that rare treat.  Hey, it’s not often they let me get as dirty as I want to be.  I have always been attracted to dirt for as long as I can remember.  Go ahead and throw in some water, and you get my favorite…mud holes!  There is nothing better except maybe sleeping.

Charlie in a mud hole.

For me, digging in the dirt is a great stress reliever.  It’s tough on a dog being neat and clean all the time.  I can’t tell you how exciting it is to feel the dirt beneath my nails and on my paws!  I have found that the deeper I dig the more little creatures that I find.  My nose can smell the creatures before I can actually see them; it makes me dig even faster!  Dawg, that’s fun.

Why I love digging in the dirt

The best part is the deeper I dig, the more I can get my head buried down in the hole.  You haven’t lived until you have a snout full of dirt, dust and mud.  The cool dirt feels so good on my belly.  I will admit that as I am digging, sometimes I scare myself.  The dirt flying out behind me hits the leaves and makes a lot of noise.  When I turn around to see what’s going on behind me, I realize it’s just silly me and keep on digging.

Every dog has his day!

I know at the end of all this fun, a bath is waiting for me.  It’s okay and a small price to pay for so much fun.  I really love the country life because I have always been a country dog.  I was born in the mountains.  It feels like I have come back home where I truly belong.  People don’t expect as much from country dogs.  We are self-sufficient and like it that way.  You don’t have to make a big fuss over us.  We prefer to be left in our natural coat.  For you city folk, country dogs don’t want to wear coats, sweaters or boots.  There’s nothing worse than wearing a hot, itchy sweater!  (I’m looking at you Lover Darlin’).  Ask me how I know.

I feel really bad for my cousin Conrad.  He’s a city dog and has a full wardrobe!  Enough said.

There’s nothing better than a nap after a day of digging.  I’m exhausted and worn out.  It’s time to retire to my favorite sofa, rest my head on a pillow and take a nice long nap.

You know sleeping is my most favorite thing to do!

After digging, Charlie naps on his sofa.

Love, Charlie

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