Guilt-Free Sea Salt Almond Bark

June 11, 2018

Do you ever have those days where you are craving every sweet and decadent thing your mind can imagine? 

(This post contains affiliate links for this recipe.  Please see our sites policies.  Thank you!)

I can answer that question with a resounding YES!   Of all the things I have in life, a sweet tooth can be that occasional blissful excursion or can be a repeat offender you have to keep in check.

By now, most of us have realized that processed sugar frequently in large quantities is detrimental for our long-term health.  I know, it’s a bummer!  It’s literally in just about everything in various forms.  Fortunately, there are great, healthy treats and desserts that contain minimal ingredients and satisfy the worst cravings.  That’s where the “guilt-free sea salt almond bark” comes in.

Semi-Sweet Sea Salt Almond Bark

Several years ago, I turned to a wonderful friend who is a Functional Medicine Practitioner.  If you are curious what a “FMP” is, basically, it is a holistic detective that gets to the root of any health issues and gives you a natural way to get back to optimum health.  Consequently, they do not treat your symptoms with prescription drugs, but address the real underlying problems and formulate a plan unique to you.  She literally got me on a program that changed my life and resolved health issues I didn’t even realize I had.

It was critical that I lowered my sugar intake, while still occasionally enjoying a treat without feeling deprived.  This was the sweet treat she recommended to me and I have made it ever since.  It’s so simple, with just a few ingredients.  It really hits the spot for those chocolate, salty, sweet cravings.

Semi-Sweet Sea Salt Almond Bark

You don’t have to be savvy in the kitchen. 

I think even my Ambitious Feller, who is kitchen challenged, could handle this recipe!  It’s the perfect recipe for those of us without an official kitchen or living off-grid.  Having been without an oven for over a year now, the ease of this recipe on a cook stove couldn’t be easier.  It’s super fast to make and so very delicious!

Sea Salt Almond Bark

I really love the Enjoy Life semi-sweet chocolate chips.  Have you tried them?  If you have allergies or food sensitivities, these chocolate chips are for you!

If you can melt chocolate and toss in a few ingredients, it’s that simple.  Be sure and make a large batch to keep on hand.  When those cravings strike, you will have a truly guilt-free stash that you can enjoy and feel good about!

Sea Salt Almond Bark

Guilt-Free Sea Salt Almond Bark

1 Bag of Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chips (or 2 if you want a larger batch)

Almond Slices (pecans and walnuts work great too)

1 tsp. of extra virgin coconut oil

1 tbsp. of organic peanut butter

Pink Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt

Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler or a stainless steel pot on very low heat.  Melt your chips and coconut oil until smooth, stirring constantly.  Add your peanut butter at this point or leave it out altogether depending on your preference.  After mixing the peanut butter and chips well, pour out on parchment or wax paper. Before the chocolate cools, sprinkle your almonds liberally over the top of the chocolate and add sea salt to taste.  We go heavier on the sea salt because we enjoy a more pronounced flavor, but you may prefer a more subtle taste.  It’s easier to line a baking pan with parchment or wax paper.  That way, you can just pop into the freezer to allow your bark to set up quickly.  Be prepared, you’ll want to eat every last bite!

Grab your ingredients to make this fabulous bark.

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